The Hong Kong Schools English Band Showcase (HKSEBS) was an event that truly highlighted the unique contribution of the Hong Kong NET scheme to society, and the valuable resources that Native English Teachers in Hong Kong can provide their students. 9 different bands from 8 different schools from all across Hong Kong converged on Lung Cheung Government Secondary School to celebrate their love of English songs. For more than 3 hours, the music blasted from the stage, and the audience soaked in the sounds of power, passion, and rock ‘n roll.
When it was all over, and the last notes were left echoing in the hall, the satisfied faces of the students said it all. Music provides a tool to create authentic English learning opportunities, and that is why NESTA is proud to have sponsored this showcase!
Here’s to an awesome start, and we salute all the volunteers and teachers who contribute to running the event, especially the NETs who formed the steering committee, the NETs who judged and provided excellent feedback, and all the NETs who supported their students in chasing their dreams.